AKA DANCING IN A SPORTS BRA = CULTIVATING A MOVEMENT PRACTICE ![]() A few weeks back, I posted a Reel on Instagram showing a snippet of my movement practice. Someone had requested I do a demo of this live on Instagram. I was stoked by this comment! And to be honest, the thought alone of going Live on any platform freaked me out!
Sharing this video was a vulnerable moment for me. It was at the beginning of me welcoming my Moving Spirit project to the public. I had never posted anything like it before and all the doubt and fear that come with social media flooded in (more on this topic later). What most don't realize is that I've been doing this whole movement thing for over a decade! And I loooove it. Post away I go... So there I am revealing my movement practice to the world. In reality, it was me being inspired by a song that brought me to my feet. I let my body move with the music. I imagined my most graceful, effortless self, performing some emotional and dramatic dance. Once I began to move, I got lost in it all. Before I knew it, I had documented a minute of myself moving around my office in a sports bra. COOL. But it's SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Doing this turned into me creating a series of movements to help us develop and build a movement ritual (coming soon...). Giving myself the permission to get up and start moving was the spark of inspired action. I then was able to find the fun and enjoyment of my body moving through space. I had another story going on inside of me and let my body paint the picture. At the time, I couldn't tell you what I was craving. But guess what, it didn't matter. I was simply letting my heart take lead and following along with my body. It became a healing moment. I was in my body fully expressing whatever it was I needed to feel. There was something within my subconscious itching to be free. Sometimes we can't logically explain or understand what it is we want. That's why when we begin to move the body, stagnation breaks down, and energy begins to release. We feel lighter, we create more space, and feel more open to the truth filling us in. This is the special sweet spot! Moving with intent is most necessary for this work. It's also important to recognize the moments when moving with no intent at all is the exact purpose we need to get going. A lot of the movement techniques I have learned include a lot of play and imagination. I realize I have an advantage here with my movement practice. I've been studying and applying techniques that specifically help me tap into that playfulness and expand the imagination regularly. I know how to drop into that energy. It's not always such an easy talent, but it is a skill we can learn and master. That's exactly what I am here to offer: a set of tools and techniques to help us meet our inner child again - from dancing in our underwear to breaking down emotional walls to meet the soul. Yup, we're going there. This practice is available to help us move with life rather than think our way through it; to experience with our full, whole self; to explore a flourishing relationship with our body, spirit, heart, and mind; to move with divine alignment so that we can live curiously, truly, boldly, freely; so that we can transform. I'm chuckling at the fact that I used the word "itching" a few paragraphs ago. It's like that sweet whisper deep within us; a faint voice, the light energy nudging us ever so gently. (I am experiencing that nudge...still...to go Live on IG with a series of intent-full movements so you can start to build a movement ritual!). We don't always know how to hear that message clearly or even engage with it. Where does it come from? Why should we listen? Even if we don't know how the voice came to be, or how that itch began, we still have the urge to satisfy it, or at least explore it. So let's satisfy and explore, darlings. Let us meet this inner self and move with it. I guarantee this type of practice can help you fulfill many desires, one movement at a time. What are you waiting for? I am here, happy to be your guide. With love...